Pixel Scrapper “Winter Fun” Blog Train {February 2017 Freebie}
Ready for the monthly blog train? I participated this month!

Christmas Crafts & Caroling
Do you love the dollar store?

Pixel Scrapper “It’s A Pie Time: Pumpkin” Mini Kit {November 2016 Designer Challenge}
Ready for the monthly blog train? I participated this month!

Halloween 2016: Candyland
Like, the board game from the 80’s!!!

Pixel Scrapper “School of Art” Blog Train {October 2016 Freebie}
Ready for the monthly blog train? I participated this month!

Halloween 2015: PAC-MAN!!!!
So, as I sit here researching what to do for our costumes and Trunk-Or-Treat ideas for this year, I realized I never posted what we did last year!

Pixel Scrapper “Keep It Moving” Blog Train {September 2016 Freebie}
Ready for the monthly blog train? I participated this month!

Pixel Scrapper Pass-the-Kit Designer Challenge “Just Beachy” {May 2016 Freebie}
Welcome to this round of “Pass The Kit” Designer Challenge on Pixel Scrapper!

“Cemetery Art” @ Oakwood Cemetery
I do random things.

Menu Plan Monday: 8/1/2016-8/7/2016
Weekly meal plans!