Halloween 2015: PAC-MAN!!!!
So, as I sit here researching what to do for our costumes and Trunk-Or-Treat ideas for this year, I realized I never posted what we did last year!
We had a Pac-Man theme for our Trunk-Or-Treat event at our church! The kids were like, “That’s neat…” but the parents were all “Way cool!!!!” 🙂
We had a TV that the audio went out on, so we put it in the trunk and had a loop of a Pac-Man game playing with audio from my netbook in the back seat (I should have taken some video!!!).
I cut the “Pac-Man” logo name and ghosts for our banner on my Cricut Expression machine and we strung that between the car and the truck.
For our ghost costumes, I got oversized cheap t-shirts, cut off the sleeves and cut out triangle shapes on the bottom hem/edge and attached these large googly eyes from the dollar store. For my son’s Pac-Man costume, I cut out a foam board in the shape of a circle, cut the pie wedge shape out, spray painted it yellow and added an eye that I also cut on my Cricut Expression machine.
Sadly, we only got 4th place (top 3 had “trophies”). But I LOVED our costume/theme! It was cheap and easy!
If you’d like to see some of our past costumes, check out this post here! Have you participated in a Trunk Or Treat event? What costume or theme did you have?