Wilma4Ever “Secret Valentine” Printables {February 2014 Blog Train Freebie}
We are all on different time zones, so if someone doesn’t have their part up yet, please check back later. Here’s my part! Click on the image to head over to my store to download it! “Secret Valentine” Printables {February 2014 READ MORE
Meal Plan Monday: 2/9/2014-2/16/2014
I spent this weekend going through and taking inventory of our freezers, fridge and pantry, so right now, I am on a mission to make use of what we already have on hand! Monday: Fish Sticks/Fish Fillets (frozen), Fries (frozen) & Corn READ MORE
Weight Loss Journey: Non-Food Rewards
So, I was reading this post over at Skinny Mom, and it got me to wondering…what are non-food ways to reward yourself? How many different ways can you celebrate without food? If you’re like me in your weight loss journey, READ MORE
Troubleshooting Downloads
Are you having issues trying to download? Try these troubleshooting steps (in no particular order)! Close your browser and reopen the browser and try the download again. Try a different browser (there are lots out there: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, READ MORE