Pixel Scrapper CU Blog Train “Anniversary” {May 2018}
Welcome to the May 2018 “Anniversary” Pixel Scrapper CU Blog Train!

Pixel Scrapper CU Blog Train “At The Park” {April 2018}
Welcome to the April 2018 “At The Park” Pixel Scrapper CU Blog Train!
It’s Monday
I actually started this post a few weeks ago…

Capsule Wardrobe & YourCloset
I am by no means a “fashionista”!

Project 365/Project Life/Project 52
I try this every year. And I fail this every year. My intentions are well-meaning. But reality always wins. Namely: time. So my goal this new year is to (1) set aside weekly time to scrap each weekly page and READ MORE

Halloween 2017: Starbuck’s Baristas
We had so many people ask us if we really were from Starbuck’s…

Pixel Scrapper “Summer Lovin’”Blog Train {July 2017 Freebie}
Yay for blog trains!

Pixel Scrapper Designer Challenge Mini Kit “Summer” {May 2017 Freebie}
I participated in another Designer Challenge for a Mini Kit on Pixel Scrapper!

Pixel Scrapper Commons “Easter 2017” Addons {April 2017 Freebie}
I love being a designer contributor in the Commons over at Pixel Scrapper!