“Cemetery Art” @ Oakwood Cemetery

I do random things.

And I’m in a photography group for the Stockyards. And we have these little weekly photo “assignments”. So, I needed one for “cemetery art“. So, I grabbed cameras and kids and off we went!

Oakwood Cemetery

As best as I know, Oakwood Cemetery is one of the oldest in town and holds a lot of notable people who helped form what we know as Fort Worth today!

Oakwood is a living part of historic Fort Worth. Its rustic paths meander through memories with the names and stories of the earliest founders side by side with those of later generations and through today. Source

Various shots…lots of babies/small children, some very ornate…

The kids were amused by “M.E. Drake”. Thanks, Drake? We found some that we know have ties to Fort Worth. Monnig is a middle school. WT Waggoner has a XTO Energy building named after him. So does (Burk) Burnett!

Bartender’s Row

Intriguing…we saw a small cluster of markers (about 20 or so) that all looked alike with the same emblem on them, but had no idea what the emblem meant. I enlisted the help of my Facebook friends and we finally found that this section was called “Bartender’s Row”! Who knew?!?!? Go read about it HERE and HERE!

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Woodmen of the World Gravestones

So, if Bartender’s Row isn’t captivating enough, how about all these tree-looking markers? 

WOTW (or WOW), to me, basically sounds like an insurance policy and these tree grave-markers were a benefit of the policy for a bit of time.  If you’re interested in reading up on this, I found a few sources HERE and HERE!  It is fascinating!

The Dallas Cowboys

You can even be a fan post-mortem!

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Old Trinity

Old Trinity was specifically for blacks, including William “Gooseneck” Bill McDonald, a political activist.


The Calvary section of the cemetery was specifically for Catholics.

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Hope you enjoyed this glimpse!  We had a good time and learned a lot!

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More about Oakwood HERE.

Oakwood Map

8 thoughts on ““Cemetery Art” @ Oakwood Cemetery”

  1. Great photos! I used to be scared to death to visit a cemetery then I started researching my family history and had to go searching at one for information. I find they are actually peaceful and pretty interesting places. It’s wonderful you have posted these, some family member may happen across your place and find the one piece they are looking for.

    Thank you for documenting a small piece of history for someone

  2. Hi, I came across your blogsite while doing some geneaological searching . My spouse’s great grandmother Bridget mulholland is buried in Calvary cemetery . Her tombstone is A Woodmen of the World. You may find it in the Find a Grave website in case you might be interested.

  3. I love the Dallas Cowboys Headstone and I am interested in ordering one for my son’s grave. Could I get prices

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