Iced In!!!
So, north Texas has been iced in since Thursday evening. Good times!
We’ve done almost all our Christmas decorating – there’s still some outside decorating that needs to be done, which ain’t happening in the ice. We’ve got Christmas cards ready to go; well, except stamps because we can’t get to the post office yet. We’ve cleaned the house over again a few times. We’ve watched random Christmas movies. We’ve baked (we were blessed to have our power through this…well, so far, at least!) things like Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake Poke Cake (Yum! It was G-O-O-D!). We’ve even cleared half of our driveway.
And…guess what?!?!?!?
Yup…schools and day cares are closed tomorrow, too, as what melted today is refreezing tonight and tomorrow morning! So, we’re going to be crafting a bit! Want to join us? Here’s some of the projects we may try to make tomorrow.
Handprint Reindeer Hat Craft

Handprint Wreath


If I have time, I hope to finish up this…