Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} DIY Train Wall Art
OK…this one I really DO think I nailed! Maybe even more so. I LOVE my version!!! Click the image for the original Pin. You can find the Pinterest board HERE.

Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Wrapped Up!
This really was E-A-S-Y! Just wrap everything in their lunch in wrapping paper! 🙂 Click the image for the original Pin. You can find the Pinterest board HERE.

Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Gingerbread Man Sandwich
Should be simple….just cut the sandwich items out with a cookie cutter. Not so easy! My cutouts are not clean like the others. Moms, rejoice! The kids don’t really care and will eat it anyways! 🙂 Click the image for READ MORE

Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Snowmen Marshmallows
This one is just large marshmallows with snowmen faces drawn on with edible markers….super easy (but my marker set didn’t have orange, so I just used red for the nose instead)! Click the image for the original Pin. You can READ MORE

Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Sprinkles Sandwich
This one is a snowman cutout then filled with sprinkles sandwich for the kid’s lunches. Pretty easy…it’s just a peanut butter sandwich. Click the image for the original Pin. You can find the Pinterest board HERE.

Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Reindeer Sandwich
This one is a reindeer sandwich for the kid’s lunches. This one wasn’t too bad…I didn’t have any pretzel twists or red M&M’s, so I used some pretzel-shaped butter cookies and a Hershey’s Drop that I did have on hand READ MORE
Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} PB&J Sushi Rolls
This one is peanut butter and jelly “sushi” rolls for the kid’s lunches. Again…these were also good! But they did NOT want to roll up properly OR cut! 🙂 Click the image for the Pin. You can find the Pinterest board READ MORE
Nailed It! {Pinterest Checklist} Pizza Rolls
LOL! OK…this is going to be an ongoing “series”! Documenting all my Pinterest finds! Here’s the Pinterest board they’ll all go on. This one is pizza rolls for the kid’s lunches. Now, don’t get me wrong…these are good! But they READ MORE